1 Year/12 Month Hair Transition!!!!

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1 YEAR!!  Really?!!! Did I finally make it!??  I guess I did. It’s late October and that’s when I last had my perm, so it’s been…

Am I going to cut off those ends yet? Nope. I still don’t feel comfortable enough to have the shorter hair. It’s actually at a nice length for me now, especially after having to cut so much around month 5-7 because of the fariy knots.

It’s not much difference than Month 11, but below are some pictures of the hairdo I’ve been wearing lately.

I know I said I wasn’t going to do that Three Strand Twists, but, I couldn’t help it. It worked better! I’ll make another blog on that.

So here’s the hair. I know it’s covered up with the scarf, which is actually kind of do-rag with long ends that split that I can twist in the back for a bun. I found it somewhere, but I don’t remember where and I want another one! Don’t you just hate that!

Anyway, here’s the hair at 1-year Transition. You can stillsee the permed ends, but all the hair flat against my head is all natural.

1yrNov2011    1yrNov2011b

I like the waves. Pretty cool.  I just use water and 100% Aloe Vera Gel and wrap it down with a scarf over night. Sometimes I can just do it in the morning since I have a 45 minutes commute. It’s flat by the time I get there.

That’s it! I made it!  

Funny that it’s been a year and I was just going to TRY to do the natural thang…not making any promises if I’ll continue.  But so far…I’ll just keep trying it out. Heh. Heh. 🙂

Until Next Time!